Clomid Pharmacology

Clomid is an oral medication, which is classified as a non-steroidal agent that induces ovulation in women diagnosed with anovulation. The ovulatory response occurs as a result of an advanced influence on the pituitary gland, which triggers mutation and enhances the endocrine activity of the follicle. The important role of the pituitary gland can be noticed through plasma levels, as well as the response of the ovary.

Generally, Clomid is approved to have a considerable pharmacologic potency. The medication should be used only after thorough doctor’s examination and accompanied by supervision and care. According to the results of studies, the medication is a powerful treatment of anovulatory disorders.

Following the conclusions of the most recent and up-to-date studies, Clomid can be easily absorbed by the human organism. The medication is offered in the form of an oral tablet, which excretes mainly in the feces. The components of the drug remain in the organism of a woman for over 6 weeks after the therapy.

Clomid Uses and Effectiveness of Its Results

Clomid, which is also known as Clomiphene is indicated for females, who suffer from persistent ovulatory dysfunction but want to get pregnant. The whole treatment course should be carefully supervised by a medical specialist qualified in endocrine or gynecological impairments. The success of the treatment course depends on several factors, including:

  • Individually adjusted dose;
  • Medical supervision;
  • Following the safety recommendations and others.

Regular doctor’s consultations are inevitable, as they help patients track the progress and notice the moment they get pregnant. Generally, to benefit from Clomid reactions, a patient should ensure she does not have any contraindications, but meets all the requirements instead. Exclude pregnancy, as Clomid components can trigger unwanted effects on the health of a pregnant woman. The medication is not approved for patients allergic to Clomiphene or similar fertility medications. Besides, patients with excessive or abnormal bleeding should undergo careful evaluation before the beginning of the treatment course.

Short Facts about Clomid Pharmacology

This commonly safe treatment can launch a range of adverse reactions and disorders if misused or overdosed. Therefore, you need to follow all the safety recommendations without any changes. Keep in mind the key facts about Clomid to avoid unexpected reactions.

  • Subclass – estrogen receptor modulators, infertility drug;
  • Metabolism – CYP 450, liver;
  • Half-life – around 6 days;
  • Excretion – urine 7.8% and feces 42.4%;
  • Mechanism of action – the components of the drug bind selectively to estrogen receptors in the ovary, hypothalamus, cervix, and endometrium, resulting in the production of estrogen and anti-estrogen reactions. Additionally, the treatment is a partial estrogen agonist in the hypothalamus that causes negative estrogen feedback inhibition to gonadotropins.